Sunday, July 11, 2010

this past week end camp trip #3

For this camp trip we tried to leave right when i got off work at 6 that did happen but some how we still didn't get up there until dusk. our original plan was to go to the same spot as before but that did not happen because there was this group or kids from usu there and yes the blocked the whole trail with there camp stove. any ways we continued up the Alpine loop (we came from the Provo side this time) for about another mile probably 2 or 3 switch backs and found a small turn out with a little trail heading down a large hill me and Curtis ran down the hill to check it out and sure enough we found another boozing fire pit. we where down in a hole with a small creek by us it added for a nice sound to fall asleep to when we where not singing karaoke to country songs. we hiked back up and after 2 and a half trips we had all of our stuff in the bowl. after setting up the girls tent for them so it would be ready when the came (Amy and camber had to work until 8 so they got up there a little late) Curtis started the fire again and this time we took grants advice and got the 1/4 lb hot dogs they where great even though we had to cook them while sitting in a down pour. it began to lightning but we where in a ditch so we thought we would be safe it was really cool to watch the lightning that was striking 360 degrees around us it add for a cool show while we all talked we finally got in our sleeping bags at 3 am and sang for about an hour in the morning i woke up first and set out to start a fire and in the process woke up Joe. he started to help me when Curtis half awake informed us that it was butt crack cold out side and then rolled over and fell back asleep until we had done all the work. i don't doubt that he was cold because he only had four fleece blankets to use to sleep with and he slept on the ground under my hammock because he didn't get a tarp like me and Joe had when we where at wal mart on a supply run. me and Joe cooked breakfast that consisted of 1.5 packages of bacon 1 package of hash browns and 10 eggs we did not drain off any of the bacon grease so it was nice and grease but amazingly good to eat none the less we cleaned up our camp and went home. all in all i had a great time even thought it was cold and rainy. people involved Matt Hock Joe Dorius Curtis Clayson Amy Dorius and Camber with some last name i do not know.